“The Influence of Social Justice Movies”

You are being asked to participate in this research study as part of a random and representative sample of U.S. residents to assess the impact of social justice movies. If you choose to participate, you will be asked to take a few surveys and watch a movie that will be assigned to you. Therefore, this study should take you no more than three hours to complete. The main risks of this study are sharing views that may be uncomfortable to you. However, your participation is voluntary and you may withdraw from this research at any time. You will not benefit directly from participating in this study and there is no penalty for withdrawing. If you’re interested in learning more about this study, please continue to read below.

By completing this form, I confirm that I have read, understand and agree to the information provided to me and I am therefore willing to participate in this study.


All fields are required.

This research is being conducted to examine the issues of racism and social injustice in the United States. Specifically, our goals are to better understand the extent of these problems, assess attitudes towards these issues and evaluate the role that movies can play in promoting change.

This study is being conducted as part of a research project at Emerson College. The project consists of having a random sample of U.S. residents take an initial online survey to assess their attitudes towards social justice issues. Then, participants are asked to watch the movies 13th, The Hate You Give and Just Mercy. Participants will be provided a link to a streaming platform to ensure they are able to access the movies and watch them for free. After watching the movies, participants will be asked to take another online survey to again assess their views on social justice issues. 

The surveys are anonymous but each participant will be given a unique identification number so that we can ensure that individuals have taken both surveys and watched the movies. However, no personally identifiable information will be shared in the study as results will only be reported in aggregate form.

You should know that there are minimal risks in participating in this study. For example, if you are unwilling or uncomfortable to share information about this subject, you can terminate your participation at any time. Refusing or withdrawing from this study will be at no penalty or loss of benefits to you. The potential benefits of this research are its contributions to the body of work surrounding the impact of social justice movies.

Further, your participation is completely voluntary and will remain confidential. As mentioned earlier, even though the results of this research will be shared outside of Emerson, no personally identifiable information will be included in this study. In addition, the research data will be stored with the utmost care. Specifically, research data will only be accessible to the principal investigators and co-investigators. Records will be kept for three years and will be destroyed after the three- year period.

By participating in this research, you agree that the purpose of this study has been satisfactorily explained to you. However, we will gladly answer any questions you might have throughout the research process. To that end, you may contact Owen Eagan at [email protected], Sharifa Simon-Roberts at [email protected]or Spencer Kimball at [email protected] if you have any questions about your participation. If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant, you can contact the Institutional Review Board by emailing [email protected].

To participate in this survey, simply fill out the form. At that point, we will send you the initial survey link and information regarding next steps in this process.

Again, thank you for your interest in this study. We look forward to working with you.